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PHIL 103 Ethics

Lewis & Clark College

Summer 2024

Prof. Martinez

Week 1 - What is Ethics? Why Be Moral?


May 13 Introduction to class: What is Ethics? What is Philosophy?


May 14 Gyges Ring and Why Be Moral? (Plato and Nielsen)


May 15 Egoism (Shoemaker)


May 16  No Class


May 17 Relativism (Rachels)


Week 2 Ethics and Impact: Consequentialism


May 20 NO ZOOM CLASS Uitilitarianism  (J.S Mill)


May 21 Mill Utilitarianism (J.S. Mill)


May 22 Act vs Rule Utilitarianism ( Darwall)


May 23 Rule Consequentialism (Hooker)


Week 3 Problems for Consequentialism


May 27 Memorial Day No Class


May 28  Hare “What is Wrong With Slavery?”


May 29 Lawson “Oppression and Slavery”


May 30 Moving to Deontology


Week 4 Deontology


June 3 The idea of Deontology and The Categorical Imperative (Kant Chapter 1)


June 4 Treating People As Ends In Themselves (O’Neill)


June 5 Problems with Treating People As Ends In Themselves (Feldman)


June 6 Problems with Reason? (Bennet)


Week 5 Virtue and Character Ethics 


June 10  Virtue and Happiness (Aristotle Bk 1)


June 11 Virtue (Aristotle Bk 2)


June 12. Contemporary Virtue Ethics (Hursthouse)


June 13 Situationism and Problems for Virtue Ethics 


Week 6 Student Guided Topics


June 17. Topic 1 & 2


June 18 Topic 3 & 4


June 19 Topic 5 & 6


June 20 Final Thoughts 


Week 1

What is ethics? Why be moral?

May 13 Introduction to class: What is Ethics? What is Philosophy?


May 14 Gyges Ring and Why Be Moral? (Plato and Nielsen)


May 15 Egoism (Shoemaker)


May 16 Relativism (Rachels)


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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